Tips On Embracing The Law Of Attraction
The Law of Attraction states that "That which is like unto itself is drawn". This simply means that we attract what we desire. Everyone, everything has a vibration frequency.
Human beings are no exception. When we focus on something that we want, we transmit a certain frequency to the universe. The universe, in return, will bring to us things matching that frequency. This is the basis for the Law of Attraction.
By applying the Law of Attraction, one will attract what one thinks or focuses upon.
Many who have applied this law have realized that they have gotten 'coincidentally' what they have asked for as though it was bestowed by the universe magically. On the other hand, people in ignorance or violation of this law lead lives which are haphazard and they always wonder why others are so 'lucky'.
To get the most out of the Law of Attraction, the essential message which one sends to the subconscious must be unambiguous and error free. A negative example will be a woman who wants to lose weight but issues two contradictory instructions to the subconscious mind. In one instance, she could be making the resolution "I am going to slim down". Twenty minutes later, she informs the subconscious mind, "Let me just have ONE slice of cake". Sooner or later, the subconscious mind gets confused by the ambiguous input and shuts off the input of the conscious mind. This is due to the conscious mind producing ‘noise’ or message which does not have a clear signal.
Secondly, produce good 'vibes' or feelings. Many do not know it but our subconscious mind is unable to discern what is 'good' or 'bad' for us. Why is our subconscious mind unable to do that? The reason is simple. All of us on this Earth are spiritual beings here to experience. We create our own lives. Hence, 'good' or 'bad' are just arbitrary indicators depending on our preferences and needs. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we issue our subconscious mind with the 'right' set of instructions. Only when the ‘right’ set of information is broadcasted to the universe can then our needs be given to us. The universe will then attract the ‘appropriate’ reality and deliver it to our palate. This is in accordance with the Law of Attraction.
Lastly, one must understand the concept of 'now'. Our subconscious mind processes information at the instant of 'now'. Time is created so that there is an instance to eat, sleep, rest and change. ‘Now’ is simply replaced with ‘time’. There is no past or future, only 'now'. Time is an illusion created by man to create order. If one thinks of only 'wanting' to get a material object, he will not manifest it. The subconscious will only interpret the feeling of 'wanting' the object as the desired outcome. However, if one has the mindset of having already possessing his beloved car or other objects; then that object will manifest 'now' in accordance with his request.
The Law of Attraction is indeed an interesting law on this earth. Embrace it with a light heart and you shall be lucky with things going your way. Cluster your mind with the ‘wrong’ thoughts and your life will be mercurial and capricious.